“Originally from China, the ravintsara was established in Madagascar over a century ago. The Malagasy climate and terroir have allowed it to develop different properties and benefits in the use of its leaves. Its name, ravintsara, comes from the Malagasy translation which means «good sheet». It has antiviral properties, immune stimulants. It fights the first evils of winter. The flu cold, it is an excellent expectorant, and decongestant nasal voices”. Extract from our page ‘organic ravintsara essential oil.
What is its origin and history?
Françoise Couic Marinier explains in her book «Guide terre vivante des huiles essentiels».
We consider the ravintsara as a remedy for all the ills of body and mind by the Malagasy. They also used it to flavour rum in the mid-19th century.”
The Chinese arrived during the country’s independence had the wonderful idea of introducing the ravintsara to Madagascar. We knew its origin several centuries earlier, in China under the name of Ho wood. In Vietnam under the name of camphor. For twenty years its essential oil has become the essential of the winter because of its unique composition without camphor but rich in kinenol an active principle that plays an important role in viral infections and ENT»
We don’t know exactly when he arrived in Madagascar.
We also note that Françoise Couic-Marinier in her book, tells us: That it would have been introduced 250 years ago in Madagascar. It would have acclimatized to the soil to the climate, in short to the peculiarities of the island.
But we find an even older trace: in the history of the great island of Madagascar published in 1658, the French commander Etienne de Flancourt observes a massive use of the ravintsara by the Malagasy population as a traditional remedy already at the time. We note a 100-year difference between the two sources.
More information about the history of ravintsara here