What is The Ravintsara?
Today we are interested in organic Ravintsara essential oil. The ravintsara is a camphor tree of the laurel family. It has evergreen leaves with yellow flowers and small red berries. This camphor tree is notably known to be part of the composition of tiger balm. Originally from China, the ravintsara was established in Madagascar more than a century ago. The Malagasy climate and terroir have allowed it to develop different properties and benefits in the use of its leaves Its name, ravintsara, comes from the Malagasy translation which means «good sheet». “Ravine” for leaf and “tsara” for good! In the ravintsara, we find the molecule of 1.8 cineole present in eucalyptus and rosemary cineole. Ravintsara essential oil is 100% vegetable, it comes from the distillation of ravintsara leaves.
The use of the ravintsara leaf would notably help to combat various body ailments. And help strengthen his immune system in case of viral infection This plant can be used in different forms. The best known is ravintsara essential oil. But BE TSARA Producer of oil and infusion of ravinstara also offers various variations in balm or massage oil or whole leaves to dilute them in infusion or in floral water or perfume.
Its use in aromatherapy would also help relieve the respiratory tract from seasonal ailments (source: Mansard). You can take several drops of essential oil to relieve cough for example. It seems that Ravintsara helps stimulate immune defences.
Despite our certainties regarding the many benefits of ravintsara, our quality as a producer and distributor and the legislation forbid us to promote or describe the many therapeutic virtues of ravintsara essential oil. Except for our infusions.
We therefore invite you to find out about the virtues of ravintsara organic essential oil through qualified information sites such as https://www.betsara.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/HE-Ravintsara-Mansard-2019.pdf
The legislative framework does not allow us to give you more details. Only professionals in the field of aromatherapy and plant benefits in general are able to give you more details.

Why is ravintsara interesting to consume as an infusion?
Our bodies, especially our liver and kidneys, are not made to ingest essential oils in general. This is why BE TSARA also offers ravintsara infusions. It promotes a softer ingestion by the body and thus to be able to meet a greater public and all the needs.
The action of ravintsara on the body would seem ideal to stimulate your immune system. It would allow it to respond effectively to various respiratory tract infections. For example, colds, rhinitis or pharyngitis (source: Mansard). Improve your overall well-being with ravintsara in the form of aromatherapy, infusion or cosmetics.
Diluted in warm water, the ravintsara leaves transform it into a brownish liquid, the color of which is caused by the different tannins of the plant. These promote the body’s natural transit and their effectiveness is such that a daily cup would be enough to prevent problems.

What are the benefits of ravintsara according to aromatherapists?
Ravintsara would be recognized by aromatherapy specialists and natural medicine practitioners as an antiviral agent and a powerful immune stimulant. (source : Mansard)
This peculiarity would make it an excellent ally. Especially to treat or prevent various winter ailments such as colds, flu, angina and all viral problems (source: Mansard)
Among the various virtues that these specialists grant to ravintsara, we can mention its antiviral and protective action against the risks of superinfection. Its immunostimulating effect on the adrenal glands, its antibacterial action and its expectorant effects make it possible to release obstructions of the respiratory tract (source: Mansard)
Finally, applied to the skin, inhaled or consumed in infusion, ravintsara would have anti-inflammatory properties.
We invite you to visit the sites specialized in aromatherapy. As well as those containing scientific bibliographies on the benefits of plants to learn more about the benefits that can bring you the essential oil of ravintsara.
How to use ravintsara in aromatherapy?
The use of ravintsara by the aromatherapist will depend on the goal And the effects he wants to bring to the person he accompanies in his well-being process:
• In the case of a viral infection. Ravintsara would show an improvement in your health.
• To boost your immune system. The principles of aromatherapy advocate the use of ravintsara in particular in the form of inhalation or infusion. The principle would be the same to act against a state of intense fatigue.
• Some natural medicine practitioners also recommend drinking a ravintsara infusion before bedtime to prevent insomnia or to reduce stress and extreme nervousness that ravintsara would help regulate.
All these indications should be taken with caution. Our quality as producer and distributor of ravintsara does not make us expert in the accuracy of the effects of our organic essential oil.
For this reason, we invite you to learn more about its use. Thanks to trainings and introductions to aromatherapy like those of Francoise Couic Marinier, doctor of pharmacy.
She is in the best position to release all the secrets of organic ravintsara essential oil.
Why trust BETSARA to buy your organic ravintsara essential oil?
By choosing your essential oil on our boutique in line or in one of the specialist organic stores or in a partner pharmacy in France or Belgium, you are guaranteed to use a 100% natural product, certified organic and voted best organic product 2019 (organic ravintsara essential oil) and 2022 (tea of organic ravintsara ). Entirely harvested by hand and processed by a traditional Malagasy method.
Beyond providing you with a high-quality essential oil, this is an eco-responsible and ethical approach to which you contribute.
BE TSARA is committed to offering you an essential oil of ravintsara. And products that respect your skin, your health and that promote the work of Malagasy populations.
More information via this link:https://www.usetionravintsara.fr